( CC 8 )Paper 8: British Literature: 18th Century
William Congreve The Way of the World
1. Samuel Johnson ‘London’
2. Thomas Gray ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’
Daniel Defoe :
Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations
The Enlightenment and Neoclassicism
Restoration Comedy
The Country and the City
The Novel and the Periodical Press
1. Jeremy Collier, A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage
(London: Routledge, 1996).
2. Daniel Defoe, ‘The Complete English Tradesman’ (Letter XXII), ‘The Great Law
of Subordination Considered’ (Letter IV), and ‘The Complete English
Gentleman’, in Literature and Social Order in Eighteenth-Century England, ed.
Stephen Copley (London: Croom Helm, 1984).
3. Samuel Johnson, ‘Essay 156’, in The Rambler, in Selected Writings: Samuel
Johnson, ed. Peter Martin (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2009)
pp.194–7; Rasselas Chapter 10; ‘Pope’s Intellectual Character: Pope and Dryden
Compared’, from The Life of Pope, in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, vol. 1,
ed. Stephen Greenblatt, 8th edn (New York: Norton, 2006) pp. 2693–4, 2774–7.
4. S.M.P.N.Singh, A.B.Sharan, A String of Poems (Foundation Books, Cambridge
University Press, New Delhi, 2012.
Examination and distribution of marks:- Full Marks - 100
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End Semester: 80
1. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 1 1x15=15
2. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 2 1x15=15
3. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 3 1x15=15
4. Three explanations to be attempted out of six. 3x8=24
(Explanations from each unit to be set)
5. Eleven Objective types questions from prescribed texts. 1x11=11
( CC 9 ) Paper 9: British Romantic Literature
1. William Blake ‘The Lamb’,
‘The Chimney Sweeper’ (from The Songs of Innocence and The Songs of
2. Robert Burns ‘A Bard’s Epitaph’
3. William Wordsworth ‘Ode: Intimations of Immortality’
1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kubla Khan
2. Percy Bysshe Shelley ‘Ode to the West Wind’
3. John Keats ‘Ode to a Nightingale’
Charles Lamb Old China
William Hazlitt On the feeling of Immortality in the Youth
Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations
Reason and Imagination
Conceptions of Nature
Literature and Revolution
The Gothic
The Romantic Lyric
1. William Wordsworth, ‘Preface to Lyrical Ballads’, in Romantic Prose and Poetry, ed.
Harold Bloom and Lionel Trilling (New York: OUP, 1973) pp. 594–611.
2. John Keats, ‘Letter to George and Thomas Keats, 21 December 1817’, and ‘Letter to
Richard Woodhouse, 27 October, 1818’, in Romantic Prose and Poetry, ed. Harold
Bloom and Lionel Trilling (New York: OUP, 1973) pp. 766–68, 777–8.
3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, ‘Preface’ to Emile or Education, tr. Allan Bloom
(Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991).
. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria, ed. George Watson
(London: Everyman, 1993) chap. XIII, pp. 161–66.
Examination and distribution of marks:- Full Marks - 100
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End Semester: 80
1. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 1 1x15=15
2. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 2 1x15=15
3. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 3 1x15=15
4. Three explanations to be attempted out of six. 3x8=24
(Explanations from each unit to be set)
5. Eleven Objective types questions from prescribed texts. 1x11=11
( CC 10 )Paper 10: British Literature: 19th Century
Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights
Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
1. Alfred Tennyson ‘Break Break Break’
2. Robert Browning ‘My Last Duchess’
3. Christina Rossetti ‘The Goblin Market’
Suggested Topics and Background Prose Readings for Class Presentations
The 19th Century Novel
Marriage and Sexuality
The Writer and Society
Faith and Doubt
The Dramatic Monologue
1. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, ‘Mode of Production: The Basis of Social Life’, ‘The
Social Nature of Consciousness’, and ‘Classes and Ideology’, in A Reader in Marxist
Philosophy, ed. Howard Selsam and Harry Martel (New York: International
Publishers,1963) pp. 186–8, 190–1, 199–201.
2. Charles Darwin, ‘Natural Selection and Sexual Selection’, in The Descent of Man in
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 8th edn, vol. 2, ed. Stephen Greenblatt
(New York: Northon, 2006) pp. 1545–9.
3. John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women in Norton Anthology of English Literature,
8th edn, vol. 2, ed. Stephen Greenblatt (New York: Norton, 2006) chap. 1,pp. 1061–9.
Examination and distribution of marks Full Marks - 100
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End Semester: 80
1. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 1 1x15=15
2. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 2 1x15=15
3. One long question to be attempted out of two alternatives from Unit 3 1x15=15
4. Three explanations to be attempted out of six. 3x8=24
(Explanations from each Unit to be set)
5. Eleven Objective types questions from prescribed texts. 1x11=11
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