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Product of three or four vector

Product Of Three Or Four Vector TOPIC INVOLVE IN NOTES Scalar Triple Product Geometrical interpretation of scalar triple product vector triple produc

 Product Of Three Or Four Vector

  • Scalar Triple Product
  •  Geometrical interpretation of scalar triple product
  • vector triple product
  • Geometrical interpretation of vector triple product
  • vector product of four vector
  • scalar product of four vector
  • reciprocal system of vectors

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SUMMERY OF VECTOR CALCULUS (Product of three or four vector)

*  a.b = |a| |b| cosθ
*   axb = |a| |b| sinθ

If we have two vectors a = a1a2a3… and b = b1b2b3…, then the dot product is given by


a.(bxc) = scalar triple product
a.(b.c) = not defined
ax(bxc) = vector triple product
ax(b.c) = not defined
a(b.c) =  defined
a(bxc) = not defined
(axb).(cxd) = scalar product of four vector
(axb)x(cxd) = vector product of four vector
 scalar triple product  [abc]=a.(bxc)
  •  Geometrical interpretation of scalar triple product     [abc] = a.(bxc) cosθ
volume of the parallelopiped =  area of the base parallelopiped  X  height of the parallelopiped 
vector triple product  [abc] = a(bxc)
  • Geometrical interpretation of vector triple product   (a.c)b-(a.b)c
scalar product of four vector 
                                     |   a.c   a.d  |
              (axb).(cxd) = |    b.d  c.d  |

reciprocal system of vectors 
->  let a, b, c be any three non-coplanar vectors such that [abc] is not equal to 0. then reciprocal system of a, b, c is defined as 
         a' = bxc                   b' = cxa                  c' = axb
           [abc]                         [abc]                     [abc]

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