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BSC Physics Syllabus || SEMESTER 5 || OFFICIAL SYLLABUS BASED ON [Under Choice Based Credit System]

BSC Physics Syllabus || SEMESTER 5 || OFFICIAL SYLLABUS || du bsc physics syllabus ||bsc physics full syllabus



 (Credits: Theory-04) Theory: 60 Lectures

 Mid Semester: 15 End Semester: 60 Full Marks: 75 

Short Answer Type:

 4 Marks (3 out of 5) & Long Answer Type: 12 Marks (4 out of 6)

 The Lorentz transformations:

 Galilean transformations;, Michelson-Morley experiment. Einstein's basic postulates and derivation of Lorentz transformations; length contraction, simultaneity, synchronization and time dilation, Einstein's velocity addition rule, Doppler effect in light, aberration of light. 

Relativistic dynamics:

 Variation of mass with velocity, mass-energy equivalence, relativistic formulae for momentum and energy. 

The structure of space-time: 

Four-vectors; invariance of an interval, time-like, space-like and lightlike intervals, Minkowski world.

 Relativistic electrodynamics:

 Electric field of a point charge in uniform motion; transverse components, magnetism as a relativistic phenomenon. Invariance of Maxwell's equations

 Atomic Physics:

 Bohr's theory of Hydrogen atom. Bohr- Somerfield theory, statement of selection rule for atomic transition and their applications to Na atom. vector atom model, L-S and j-j couplings. Normal and anomalous Zeeman effect using vector model of atom.

 Molecular Physics:

 Rotational Spectra, molecules as rigid and non rigid rotator, Vibrational spectra, diatomic molecule as a harmonic and anharmonic oscillator, molecules as a vibrating rotator. 

PHYSICS LAB- LAB C XI (2 Credits) FM: 25 

1. Measurement of Planck’s constant using black body radiation and photo-detector 

2. Photo-electric effect: photo current versus intensity and wavelength of light; maximum energy of photo-electrons versus frequency of light. 

3. To determine work function of material of filament of directly heated vacuum diode. 

4. To determine the first excitation energy of Argon. 

5. To determine the Planck’s constant using LEDs of at least 4 different colours.

 6. To show the tunneling effect in tunnel diode using I-V characteristics.

 7. To determine the wavelength of laser source using diffraction of single slit. 

8. To determine the wavelength of laser source using diffraction of double slits. 

9. To determine (1) wavelength and (2) angular spread of He-Ne laser using plane diffraction grating 


(Credits: Theory-04) Theory: 60 Lectures 

Mid Semester: 15 End Semester: 60 Full Marks: 75 

Short Answer Type: 4 Marks (3 out of 5) & Long Answer Type: 12 Marks (4 out of 6) ………………………………………………………………………………….. 

Semiconductor Physics :

 Semiconductor, Conduction in semiconductors, Energy bands and conduction, conductivity, mobility and resistivity, Doping, Diffusion, p-n junction, biasing, depletion layer capacitance, Diode equation, Zener diode.

 Diode and wave shaping circuits: 

Diode as a circuit element, Diode parameters, Temperature effects, Diode model, Diode as a switch, Diode switching parameters, effects, Diode model, Diode rectifier circuits (half and full wave), Ripple factor, Smoothing RC filters, Limitation of diode as a rectifier, Clipping and clamping circuits. Zener diode, characteristics and Zener diode regulated power supply. 

BJT-based circuits:

 Bipolar junction transistor structure, modes of operation, dc characteristics and dc parameters, Load line and Q-point, stabilization, Small -singal equivalent models (low and high frequencies). 

FET-based circuits:

 Junction field -effect transistor structure, modes of operation, dc characteristics and dc parameters, Load line and Q-point, Biasing circuits (voltage divider and self bias) and Q-point stabilisation, Small -signal equivalent models (low and high frequencies). 


 Features of amplifier configurations, Analysis and design of RC coupled voltage amplifier using BJT (CE mode) and JFET (Cs mode), Frequency response, Concept of Bode plots, Classes of amplifiers, Push-pull class A and class B-amplifier.


 Feedback concept and feedback equation, Positive and negative feedback, Characteristics of negative feedback, Criteria of oscillations, RC phase shift oscillator, RF oscillators (Hartley and Colpitt), Astable multivibrator using BJT. 

PHYSICS LAB- LAB C XII (2 Credits) FM: 25 

1. To study V-I characteristics of PN junction diode, and Light emitting diode. 

2. To study the V-I characteristics of a Zener diode and its use as voltage regulator. 

3. Study of V-I & power curves of solar cells, and find maximum power point & efficiency. 

4. To study the characteristics of a Bipolar Junction Transistor in CE configuration. 

5. To design a CE transistor amplifier of a given gain (mid-gain) using voltage divider bias.

 6. To study the frequency response of voltage gain of a RC-coupled transistor amplifier. 

7. To design a phase shift oscillator of given specifications using BJT. 

8. To design inverting amplifier using Op-amp (741,351) and study its frequency response 

9. To design non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp 741 & study its frequency response 

10. To investigate the use of an op-amp as an Integrator and Differentiator. 

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