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BSC Physics Syllabus || SEMESTER 2 || OFFICIAL SYLLABUS BASED ON [Under Choice Based Credit System]

BSC Physics Syllabus || SEMESTER 2 || OFFICIAL SYLLABUS BASED ON [Under Choice Based Credit System]
semester 2


(Credits: Theory-04) Theory: 60 Lectures

 Mid Semester: 15                      End Semester: 60                                 Full Marks: 75

 Short Answer Type:  4 Marks (3 out of 5) & Long Answer Type: 12 Marks (4 out of 6)

 Ideal gas: 

Review of the kinetic model of an ideal gas; interpretation of temperature. Equipartition of energy; Specific heats of gases, 

Real gas: 

Van der Waals model; equation of state, critical constants. Transport Phenomena: Mean free path, transport of momentum (viscosity), of energy (thermal conduction) and matter (diffusion). 

Joule-Thomson and adiabatic cooling:

 Joule-Thomson expansion; Joule expansion of an ideal gas; cooling in J-T expansion, adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, principles of regenerative and cascade cooling, liquefaction of gases. 

The laws of thermodynamics:

 Carnot engine and its efficiency, Carnot's theorem, the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy as a thermodynamic variable; reversible and irreversible processes. Principle of increase of entropy. Thermodynamic scale of temperature; its identity with perfect gas scale, impossibility of attaining the absolute zero (third law). 

Thermodynamic relationships: 

Maxwell's equations; application to Clausius-Clapeyron equation and Joule-Thomson effect. Thermodynamic potentials: Relation to thermodynamic variables; 

Black body radiation: 

Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien's displacement law. Rayleigh-Jeans law, Planck's hypothesis, mean energy of an oscillator and Planck's law 

Reference Books: 

1. Heat and Thermodynamics, M.W. Zemansky, Richard Dittman, 1981, McGraw-Hill. 

2. A Treatise on Heat, Meghnad Saha, and B.N.Srivastava, 1958, Indian Press 

3. Thermal Physics, S. Garg, R. Bansal and Ghosh, 2nd Edition, 1993, Tata McGraw-Hill 

4. Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics, Carl S. Helrich, 2009, Springer. 

5. Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory & Statistical Thermodynamics, Sears & Salinger. 1988, Narosa.


(2 Credits) FM: 25

 1. To determine the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of Cu by Searle’s Apparatus.

 2. To determine the Coefficient of Thermal Conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee’s disc method. 

3. To determine the Temperature Coefficient of Resistance by Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT). 4. To study the variation of Thermo-Emf of a Thermocouple with Difference of Temperature of its Two       Junctions.

5. To calibrate a thermocouple to measure temperature in a specified Range using (1) Null Method and        to determine Neutral Temperature. 

6. Determination of Stefan’s constant. 

7. Verification of Planks radiation formulae. 


(Credits: Theory-04) Theory: 60 Lectures

 Mid Semester: 15                      End Semester: 60                        Full Marks: 75

 Short Answer Type: 

4 Marks (3 out of 5) & Long Answer Type: 12 Marks (4 out of 6)

 Magnetic Field:

 Magnetic force between current elements and definition of Magnetic Field B. BiotSavart’s Law and its simple applications: straight wire and circular loop. Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole and its Dipole Moment (Analogy with Electric Dipole). Ampere’s Circuital Law and its application to (1) Solenoid and (2) Toroid. Properties of B: curl and divergence. Vector Potential. Magnetic Force on (1) on point charge (2) on current carrying wire (3) between current elements.

 DC circuits: 

growth and decay of current in CR and LR circuits, Growth and decay of currents in Series LCR circuit.

 AC Circuits: 

AC Circuits: Kirchhoff’s laws for AC circuits. Complex Reactance and Impedance. Series LCR Circuit: (1) Resonance, (2) Power Dissipation and (3) Quality Factor, and (4) Band Width. Parallel LCR Circuit.

 Ballistic Galvanometer:

 Torque on a current Loop. Ballistic Galvanometer: Current and Charge Sensitivity. Logarithmic damping.

 AC bridges; Anderson's, Owen's, Schering and Carey-Foster’s bridges with their vector diagrams.

 Network theorems:

 2-port network and its T and π representations, T and π equivalence, h- parameters representations, Thevenin, Nortion, Superposition, Reciprocity and Maximum power transfer theorems, Miller theorem.

Reference Books:

 • Electricity, Tayal D. C. 

• Electricity, Magnetism & Electromagnetic Theory, S. Mahajan and Choudhury, 2012, Tata McGraw 

• Electricity and Magnetism, Edward M. Purcell, 1986 McGraw-Hill Education

 • Electricity and Magnetism, Chattopadhyaya and Rakshit 

• Electricity and Magnetism, Mahajan and Rangwala 

• Electricity and Magnetism, K. K. Tewary. 

PHYSICS LAB- LAB C IV       (2 Credits)                                                     FM: 25 

1. To verify the Thevenin and Norton theorems.

 2. To verify the Superposition and Maximum power transfer theorems.

 3. To determine self inductance of a coil by Anderson’s bridge.

 4. To determine an unknown Low Resistance using Potentiometer.

 5. To compare capacitances using De’Sauty’s bridge. 

6. Determination of constants of a ballistic galvanometer. 

7. Determination of figure of merit of a moving coil galvanometer

next .      SEMESTER III 

semester 3

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